Book an appointment
Hours of operation fluctuate, request your appointment by filling out the form, or by phone, text, or email.
Phone: 306.535.7711
Email: jodie@skindivaregina.com
Please ensure you have filled out the Covid-19 waiver form before arriving for your appointment.
Thank you for reserving your appointment with SkinDiva. We've secured your spot - and understand that sometimes you will need to cancel or reschedule. However, we ask that you give us 48 hours’ notice so we can fill your appointment time.
As of Dec 15, 2018, a new policy is in effect. To book an appointment we will need a valid credit card number on file, for new and existing clients.
As mentioned, we will require 48 hours’ notice to cancel your appointment or there will be a $100 charge applied to your card. The same goes for “no shows”.
I try my very best to accommodate all my clients. I understand life may get in the way of your appointment, but please try and cancel your appointment in advance to prevent the cancellation policy from taking effect and put a reminder on your phone so you are not a “NO SHOW”.